so often i am only trying to help
i am only trying to control
i mean...
i don't even feel that refreshed chill in my throat until the 13th ounce...
your life or the endless babbling pleas for attention loosely called personal blogging?
(who me?)...
sometimes i wonder if it ever really mattered that i existed...
in the past half hour i dropped five things and stabbed myself in the nostril while eating...
must be time for bed...
or wild sex...
@twitter here i am torn between the love of (and potential for) communication and the ambivalent mockery of undue self-importance...
just when you think you finally figured out which box i belong in, you may find me somewhere else... or not... it depends on how you look, and i don't just mean your appearance...
there was a time when i had the time to spend all my time giving myself the time to make the most of my time for the creative stuff that i love so much like playing with the words that rhyme like this and that is a time i remember from time to time as a time i dearly miss but i don’t have time to remember that time much… kind of like being constipated from lack of bowel relaxation time, if you can get your mind wrapped around that, if you have the time…
if you immediately know the candlelight's fire, then the meal was cooked a long time ago...
probably misquoted...
to think there are at least a hundred bits of babbling thoughts dribbling through my head at any given second and i only take the moment to let any out every few weeks or so, or longer, even...
maybe i ought to mobile tweet...
nothing may be the ultimate thing... nowhere may be the ultimate final frontier... the unknown, by definition, cannot be known, yet we seek it and try to define it endlessly... what would we do without it? :)
the twitter home page is the great equalizer. Where else can Conan Obrien, Brittney Spears, Justin Beiber, CNN, MSNBC, FOX, George Harrison, Diana Ross, Twilight, Harry Potter, The Vatican, Jerry Seinfeld, The President of the United States, The Pope, and you get equal time scrolling by in the public eye?
when did the soap opera replace real life and did you notice how much fake lip is in this world lately?...
unconditional love was an old woman born 1/14/1898 who chased me with a soft boiled egg on a spoon, a bagel covered in cream cheese, and chocolate milk every morning...